OGI Training Class

CSU METEC has developed a hands-on Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) training class. The 2-day course is designed to provide direct feedback on camera operator’s performance in order to improve their effectiveness when using the OGI camera to detect leaks. The syllabus combines a small amount of classroom instruction with significant field experiments where attendees may put their new knowledge to practice. The class is designed to benefit new users, as well as experienced OGI surveyors, through a complementary approach with a typical OGI I certification course. An additional day may be included upfront to cover the basic thermography material for new users if desired.
Optical Gas Imaging Practical Course at CSU METEC flyer.

Training Dates:
The METEC Site is undergoing significant upgrades impacting the equipment used for OGI trainings. Our next formally scheduled training is scheduled for:
July 9 & 10, 2025.
Submit interest via the form below.
Custom dates may be scheduled for groups of 8 or more participants.

Interested in an OGI Training session?
Please complete the OGI Training Interest Form. METEC staff will be in touch to schedule. Thanks!